You’ve made a film. Congratulations! That’s a huge achievement. We know. Because everyone at Deep Focus has made films (as writers, directors, producers and more) and we know it’s not easy.
So take a minute to remind yourself of that and congratulate yourself on getting your film made. Seriously. Well done. You should be mighty proud.
With the making of every film is the opportunity to learn and develop and grow as a filmmaker. Sometimes we can forget that, especially when industry norms tell us we should be having success with our films in festivals. We want that validation, we want the accolades, we want to know we are good, that we can do this, that we aren’t wasting our time. But success doesn’t necessarily happen over night. We don’t become amazing filmmakers instantly. It takes time. And practice. We become better filmmakers with every film we make.
It can be incredibly disheartening when your film doesn’t achieve the festival success you had hoped for. And because most festivals don’t have the time to provide detailed feedback on your film it’s hard to know what you could have done differently, or what you might do differently next time.
This is where Deep Focus is here to help. We’ll watch your film and help you answer some important questions, like…
What can you do better or differently next time? And importantly, what IS working for you right now?
How can you build on the best bits of your filmmaking practice, and what areas are in need of development?
What were you hoping to achieve with this film and why?
We watch every film submitted to us in it’s entirety and provide feedback and advice in:
Technical filmmaking practise
Story and Structure
Casting and Acting
Next steps and moving your career forward
We want to help you learn and grow and move on to make more films. If you’re not in film school where else are you going to get professional industry feedback on your films? You’ve made your film and whether it gets into festivals and wins awards or not you’ve taken another step on your journey to becoming a better filmmaker. Now is the time for analysis. Now is the time for feedback. Now is the time for learning. Now is the time for Deep Focus.
The film you made today is just the next step in your professional development. Submit your film today and we’ll help keep your filmmaking journey moving.